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Do you know that massage can be helpful for 6 out of 11 human organ systems?


Updated: May 22, 2022

No right, then take a moment to know how:

The massage therapy helps reduce the stress while relaxing the body. In addition, it helps individuals in mitigating body pain, soreness and tension in muscles. The individuals could experience benefits in enhancing their blood circulation, overall energy, as well as agility. Moreover, the massage could also be beneficial in reducing the heart rate or high blood pressure. Nonetheless, the body immune function could be improved with the help of massage therapy.

Some of the research studies proved that the massage can be beneficial for people experiencing various forms of illnesses1, such as anxiety, digestive disorders, Fibromyalgia, headaches, stress related insomnia, lower back pain, Myofascial pain syndrome, nerve pain, injuries or strains of soft tissues, injuries occurred from sports, Temporomandibular joint pain, and upper or lower neck pain.

Thus, it can be concluded that massage can be helpful for maintaining six human organ systems out of total 11, namely Digestive system, Cardiovascular, Nervous, Lymphatic, Skeletal, and Muscular Systems. Lately, massage therapy is considered as the one of the major preventive measures that help younger as well as older individuals, in living #healthy and #stressfreelife.


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